The Meaning Behind The Song: What It Is (Block Boy) by Doechii

When it comes to music, we often find ourselves connecting deeply with certain songs. Sometimes, it’s the lyrics that resonate with us, and other times, it’s the energy and vibe of the song. One track that has been making waves recently is “What It Is (Block Boy)” by Doechii. This catchy tune not only has a infectious beat, but it also holds a deeper meaning within its lyrics.

The chorus of the song sets the tone for its overall message: “What it is, ho? What’s up? Every good girl needs a little thug. Every block boy needs a little love. If you put it down, I’ma pick it up, up, up.” These lines speak to the importance of balance and companionship in relationships. Doechii suggests that every “good girl” needs someone with a bit of edge, just as every “block boy” needs love and support. The idea is to find someone who complements you and fills in the gaps in your life.

In the first verse, Doechii further explores this idea of finding the perfect match: “Can’t you just see, it’s just me and you? Panoramic view, that’s my point of view, bae. All about me, that’s the energy. That’s that lemon pepper thing, I’m a ten-piece, baby.” Here, she emphasizes the importance of seeing eye to eye with your partner and having a shared perspective. The lyrics also suggest that a harmonious relationship requires both individuals to bring their best selves to the table.

The pre-chorus adds another layer to the song’s meaning: “Bedroom bully in the bando. He gon’ make it flip, do it with no handles. Never switchin’ sides, only switchin’ angles. Ooh, we go crazy like Rambo.” These lines hint at the passion and intensity that can exist within a relationship, both in and out of the bedroom. Doechii portrays a strong connection where both partners are willing to explore different angles and maintain loyalty.

Kodak Black joins Doechii in the second verse, adding his own perspective to the song’s meaning. He raps, “She got everything he wanted, a nice body, ass fat. Behind every gangster, a shawty solid that got his back. He know who to come to every time the world handlin’ him bad. The way he call first, but still he always put her last.” Kodak Black acknowledges the importance of having a reliable partner, someone who stands by your side even when times get tough. He also highlights the concept of putting one’s significant other before oneself.

The bridge of the song offers a different angle on relationships: “I don’t care if you run the streets. Long as you comin’ home to me. I love the way you walk and the way you speak. He gon’ keep it real, that’s the deal, that’s the reason that I speed down, down.” These lines reflect the acceptance and understanding that exist between two people who have chosen to be together. It emphasizes the importance of appreciating the little things and valuing each other’s unique qualities.

Listening to “What It Is (Block Boy)” by Doechii, it’s clear that the song delves into the intricacies of relationships, highlighting the need for balance, loyalty, and understanding. It encourages listeners to find someone who brings out the best in them and complements their own energy. Ultimately, this song reminds us of the importance of love and connection in our lives.

As an avid listener of Doechii’s music, I can’t help but be drawn to the captivating energy she brings to her songs. “What It Is (Block Boy)” is no exception. The infectious beat and meaningful lyrics make it a standout track in her discography.

In conclusion, “What It Is (Block Boy)” by Doechii carries a deeper message about the complexities of relationships and the importance of finding a partner who complements and supports you. It’s a reminder that love and connection are vital to our lives, and finding the right person can bring immense joy and fulfillment. So, the next time you hear this song, take a moment to appreciate its deeper meaning and let it remind you of the power of love.
